


The etymology of the name Peony can be traced back to the Greek god Paeon, who was a student of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine and healing. Greek myth says that Paeon was transformed into a peony by Zeus as a protection against the wrath of his teacher. In this way, peonies have a protective symbology and are part of a larger story about healing and medicine.

A single stem of a yellow peony shown in full bloom.

This is a handmade item. The bloom and leaves are made of crepe paper, with every detail painted by hand. Each element is wired for shape and longevity.

It is displayed freestanding on a modern and elegant solid wood base. The sphere is painted in a shade of deep blue-green. The bottom foot of the base is painted with a lustrous gold wax, and is weighted to easily display the flower. It is signed on the bottom of the base with a gold wax seal, embossed with the Golden Age logo.

dimensions: flower is 12” tall x 6” wide, base is 3” round

This piece is archival, but is recommended to be displayed away from direct sunlight to keep the colours from fading.

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